About me

My Story

I was born in Argentina into a traditional family and for the first 30 years of life followed the established patterns. I attended a religious school, graduated from college with a business degree, and immediately started working quite successfully in Marketing.

At the age of 28, I felt fulfilled both personally and professionally. However, out of the blue my health turned my world upside down. I started experiencing fainting spells and dizziness – anytime, anywhere. I had to stop working, stop driving, stop doing sports, stop leading my normal life.

I consulted doctors, underwent tests, received countless diagnoses, and tried various medicines and treatments. While some provided temporary relief, none offered a definitive solution, and the symptoms persisted.

Driven by desperation and the lack of clear answers through conventional means, I stepped out of my comfort zone and explored complementary therapies such as Homeopathy, Reiki, and Psychogenealogy.

Gradually, I regained my health and my life. And as I healed, I wanted to learn more. I studied BodyTalk, Biodecoding, Astrology, Reiki, Coaching and Family Constellations. Each one added to my ongoing  journey of healing and transformation.

My illness led me to self-discovery and allowed me to become a better version of myself. Today, I want to share my journey to help others transform their lives. I believe everyone can live a full, authentic life with purpose.

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